Regrets, Cancelled due to low (no) interest. Email to RSVP to attend the Thursday Sept 21, 1pm (free) session so we know you’re in!
Pick up a copy of Carson Demers’ book Knitting Comfortably at YFK and spend some time with it. Then spend some time with us and fellow knitters to share what you’ve learned, and how you’ve adapted how you knit (or crochet, or do other repetitive motion activities like typing on your laptop) thanks to this great resource and more mindfulness on your part! Carson’s book is a such a treasure and near tome that we think we’ll all get that much more out of it with the support of fellow crafter-readers.
Our goal is to help you craft well and pain free forever!
Would you like to order this book from us? We are happy to send you a secure Square invoice for your purchase + the cost of Media Mail shipping and to ship it to you.