Local Yarn Store Day is April 27, 2024!
Raffles! We’ve put together two sweet bags (value over $100!) for our raffles for Local Yarn Store Day Sat 4/27 and on Sun 4/28! Come by for your chance to win!
YFK project bag
Jill Draper Makes Stuff Kingston skein (compliments of Jill, thanks Jill!)
$20 YFK gift card
2 drink tickets to use at our bar
YFK sippy cup aka small tumbler
YFK matchbook of mini files
Come in and get a free raffle ticket just for stopping by this Saturday and/or Sunday! Get a second ticket if you purchase anything on LYS weekend! Want more tickets? Donate to our weekend fundraiser for the Ulster SPCA! For each $3 you donate we’ll give you 5 raffle tickets and 100% of these ticket proceeds will be donated. One raffle drawing will be held at the end of the day on 4/27 and another drawing at the end of 4/28.
We love our Yarn Farm Friends and your support for our small business… on Local Yarn Store Day and every day!
Can’t wait to see you!